Really looking forward to starting this project. Have so many ideas its going to be hard to choose. I've found my book already that im going to alter. Its called 'British Myths and Legends' by the Folio Society. Its a hard casing containing three hard back books called 'Marvels and Magic', 'History and Romance' and 'Heroes and Saints'. Initially i was drawn to the book in the charity shop because of its old antique look and the titles of the three individual books. Now looking at images above, I am exceedingly happy to have bought three books in one, as i would like to try all the techniques shown above. Im thinking of maybe a triptych of altered books, one being painted into, one to have cut pieces protruding out of it, and another to be made into almost a sculpture, all embodying the context of myths and legends of the books. As the project goes on and the process begins, hopefully each book will manifest to combine all three techniques and the triptych will look more cohesive and impressive.
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