From the research I did for examples of defaced money, I defiantly knew that I wanted to make an object or sculpture out of the money , as opposed to simply defacing the note itself by drawing or painting on it. Also like in the the example of the fish I knew I wanted to include coins along with the notes I printed out.
I chose to construct a bag and shoe made from english notes and coins. The idea was to comment on the issues of consumerism and designer goods. When buying a designer handbag, the handbag itself costs nothing to make but what you are essentially paying for is the name and brand, to prove your wealth. This bag and shoe reflects that idea, it literally says 'look how much money I have as I have enough of it the wear on my feet'. I am particularly pleased with the shoe. It was a chalenge to construct and I really like the used of the coins joined together to form the heal.