This brief was to create a poster for tfl to promote cyclin
g in London. It could either promote cycling as either a fun or quicker or healthier way to travel. I first thought of the concept of emissions. Where a car produces smoke, I thought of the idea of the emissions on the bike being and displaying London landmarks. This also having the double meaning, in that having many different land marks in one stream, shows cycling also as a quicker way to travel.
I then used this idea of emmisions to try and manipulate the london underground logo.

I however after having this thought got too absorbed in it and rendered my poster to look more like the existing logo but make it look like a round-about. I was a bit to obvious and boring.

I then started to think of the bikes themselves in the poster. Because after al it is a cycling brief. I wanted to include business men in suits and fashionable young women in the poster to promote it to the people you are least likely to se on a bike in London.

I then moved back to my original sketch but adding a third person as it filled the page more nicely and the overall composition displays most successfully my concepts and is the most visually appealing.

I added a mountain biker as my third person. Just to display the adventure and fun biking can bring. He works well as the stream starts in the top corner of the page and makes it look as if hes cycling up hill, adding to the mountain biking theme, as we know some parts of London are very hilly.
The top left and bottom right corners were looking too bare. I decided to include as if the streams were coming off the page like the centre one. It still keeps the london underground logo shape but also has the extra benefit of being less obvious. Perfect balance of subtly and obviousness.

I love the overal result. I chose to keep the colours quite muted. The drawing itself is busy enough I didn't want to over do it. Originally I had the roads as all one flat colour, but after feed back to differentiate between them, I decides to make the roads different tones. It works better as it gives more depth. I'm chuffed.